For the continuing story that is this blog to make sense...

.... you may wish to read 'The First Day', well, first:

Friday 6 March 2009

The Morning Of Many Thoughticals

Yesterday kicked off with an incident on a bus, nothing like what Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves experienced, but still an incident all the same. Today, however, opened with the remains of the days before it spinning around Jack Deans oval head. Jack doesn't like days that run into other days, but as most do in some manner due to the rules of nature and time, he has learned to accept it. But this morning seemed to be consisting mainly of the weeks developments, of all the days before it running into each other. An accident waiting to happen.

Sitting with his mocha and cigarette Jack processed a couple of things in his head.

NOTE: Jack likes to call his thoughts 'thoughticals' and the process of dealing with them 'a thinkathon.' But, for the sake of confusion and to preserve his appearance as a non-geek, we shall continue to call them 'thoughts' and 'thinking' in these writings.

Jack, sipping on his mocha, found it hard to lift the mug to his mouth. He had a thoughtical, a thought to all of us, about how painful his body is after time at the gym. His personal trainer, a small woman with a love for her rabbit so strong Jack often wondered if she really wanted to be one, worked him especially hard this week. It felt as if his muscles were tighter, sure, but then again were they tighter or smaller? The pain covered virtually every key muscle his body needed to function: his arms, legs, chest, neck, and bum. Jack then started to believe, just for a moment, that she may actually be trying to make him into a rabbit. The first thing you would need to do, as everyone knows, is shrink someone's muscles to the size of a rabbits. Having done this you will have a rabbit shaped person and then the rest is easy - well, Jack assumed it would be: hormones for the ear growth, hair implants for the fur etc. This thoughtical was all getting quite strange, but Jack thought this a possibility for a moment as his muscle seemed too tight/small to lift the mug - as a rabbit must feel if it tried to lift a mug. His personal trainer could put this man-to-rabbit transformation into action without him knowing, weekly changing his body... slowly, but surely, into that of a rabbits. But he decided he mustn't get worried about this too much as the chances are she isn't, and besides, life as a rabbit would probably be quite nice. Less stressful. And he's already a vegetarian so the diet wouldn't be an issue.

Finishing his mocha as quickly as he could, as time had been an issue while leaving the flat this morning, he went into his work, the International Film Company.

Once at his desk the days duties commenced. Something Jack had got into the habit of was keeping an internet window open so he can be in touch with people while doing his job. Namely a couple of social networking sites - it made him feel like he was in touch with the world while working.

This morning he needed to drop a quick message on a Social Networking site to a friend of his. He and his friend had been trying to get in touch for a catch up for sometime now but their attempts kept failing. His friend, she of a heart-shaped head and fashion extravagance that represented her individual DNA make up, had been scheduled to call the night before but, as has been happening for weeks, events had conspired against them. Jack had received a big phone call and she of a heart-shaped head and fashion extravagance that represented her individual DNA make up, had left her phone at a gym. They failed to speak once again. Jack then wondered if, with modern technology and it's constant evolution, it might be the case that in the near future human interaction may become something very rare. A kind of special treat once a month. A person can be in touch every day via textual messages of different kinds but never actually speak in person for months on end. "Will this happen more often? Will this lead us to a world where this type of communication is the norm, and human to human interaction is a rarity?" Jack thought. "That would be a sad day indeed, but it seems not that unlikely". Jack thought it best to leave that there before he became depressed about the future of humankind.

The other thought rolling around in his hamster wheel of a head was the Phone Call he had received. The phone call had resulted in the conclusion that a meeting, that of human to human interaction, was needed tomorrow. This is The Producer of Jack and his friends script. The meeting is to involve The Film's financing and some money being offered and Jack found this an endless distraction while at work. "I will have to wait till after the meeting to see what should be concluded of the Phone Call" Jack decided. But the Phone Call and meeting to come could make The Film's production speed up considerably. Jack realized quite quickly he will have to be considering these potential developments for the rest of the day.

All these thoughts, of all the days of the week, had made for a heavy morning of thoughticals.

1 comment:

  1. kudos.
    thoughticals rule!
    leaving telecommunications devices at gymnasiums does not rule. x
