For the continuing story that is this blog to make sense...

.... you may wish to read 'The First Day', well, first:

Tuesday 17 March 2009

The Day Of The Stomach Based Unicellular Micro Organisms

We have talked of the shape of Jacks head, which used to be oval until stress levels squashed it, but never of his eyes.

His eyes, it should be noted, have interchangeable lenses. This allows Jack to walk the streets and see things in different ways - a gritty/high contrast/sharp/Paul Greengrass style lens, a glossy/artificially lit/Spielberg-ian lens, and a beautifully composed/stunningly cinemagraphic/Lean-esk/lingering lens. It should also be pointed out that his eye lids act as transitions between shots. They squint to black for a fade, while a fast blink becomes a sharp cut. And this is how Jack Dean walks around the streets every day, his iphone providing the soundtrack, eyes the lenses, eye lids the edit. This is Jack Deans view of the world, and sometimes it distracts him but on other days, most days infact, it inspires him. But over the last few days, Jack has not even had time to walk around in this frame of mind.

The awaiting of decisions that effect his daily life was starting to get on his nerves but Jack knew that he was in the wrong industry if he wasn't prepared to wait. And when such decisions are so important, the wait is ultimately worth it. "I hope the answers hurry" Jack thought "waiting does not make interesting blog writing but then again, I only have a handful of followers."

The most interesting development of the last 4 days had been the decision that Jack is to attend Cannes Film Festival, 2009. "This," continued Jack with a spoonful porridge "will make interesting blog writing."

A less interesting development of the last 4 days had been that Jack had been off work and out of action for a couple of them with a 'stomach bug.' Jack wasn't sure what a 'stomach bug' actually was, but it hurt - he knew that. The thing about it that annoyed him the most was the term 'bug' - this suggests a literal bug, with legs and eyes and undoubtedly an appetite for what was going into his stomach. "Is this why, when I eat, I still feel empty?" wondered Jack on the 1st day of pain (which will now be, unimaginably, called 'Pain Day 1') "But then when did the bug get in there? Surely I would notice if a bug flew in my mouth, or in any other orifice? It must be of considerable size. No. That is not the case. WHY DO WE HAVE SUCH INACCURATE NAMES FOR THINGS" Jack thought angrily. The term 'stomach bug' became annoying to Jack. "It must be replaced by a term that accurately describes what is in my stomach instead of contributing to a fear culture. An old fashioned term that implies a demon bug in my stomach is just wrong" With a little research Jack realised the term referred to the 'virus' or 'bacteria' that causes such pain, and perhaps it was unfair to be so angry at it. Using the term 'bug' instils a very cartoonish image of an actual bug and this new term Jack will use must accurately describe the bacteria rather than making him fearful of flying bugs from cartoons trying to invade his biology. "So from now on I shall call, what has previously been known as a 'stomach bug,' a ' group of stomach based unicellular micro organisms.'" Much better, thought Jack. "It may not catch on, but at least it's accurate."

As he got better he started to turn his attention to what he needed to do for Cannes Film Festival. The accreditation was the first thing, which Jack completed on Sunday evening, and then the flights should be booked before prices go up - he booked these on Monday. Jacks Producer was taking charge of the accommodation - which was good as Jack didn't care for that responsibility. With his part in the basics for the attending of Cannes done, his attention turned to the fact that his name will be printed in the festival guide and he will forever be associated (small though it may be) with Cannes 2009. Jack liked this. He and his Producer were going with Jack and his Friends script, to make more contacts and socialize with the film industry. "As well as acting on behalf of The Film, I will also act on behalf of myself - if this is something you can do. I have every intention of making contacts for my own directing work as well." Jack mused. He knows doing the-networking-thing is essential to success in the industry, but also knew how innately strange this was. Being able to chat your way into a company or a producers pockets seemed to be something quite unique to the film industry, but not necessarily a bad thing.

Jack could continue writing as many thoughts were in need of a vent on the world wide webage, but he must get on with the doing and this was enough of the blogging for one day. But Jack will return in a day or so, to vent those thoughticals he missed here, and hopefully reveal some more nuggets of information. Jack thought he should be honest with the readers of this: some of it may be interesting to you, other stuff may not. Unlike the term 'stomach bug,' Jack will not imply anything other than the truth, some of it may be interesting, some of it may be a bore, some of it may be controversial (be patient, because this is coming) and some of it may be conventional.

Whatever the future is for this blog, there will be no 'stomach bugs.' Just the small chance of a group of stomach based unicellular micro organisms.

"Accuracy is love." thought Jack "yes, accuracy is love."

*Pic: Actress Cassandra Peterson at Cannes Film Festival '08 - Source:

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