For the continuing story that is this blog to make sense...

.... you may wish to read 'The First Day', well, first:

Monday 9 March 2009

The Saturday that Brought Change and Hidden Costs

Jack Dean has always been someone who thrives off change. When it becomes apparent change is going to happen, he becomes thirsty for it and will push for it to happen as soon as possible. If it does not seem to be coming and the wind tells him it should be, he changes things himself. Now, this is something worth remembering when discussing Jacks weekend.

The weekend started with a muted Friday night. He and his flatmate chose to get a pizza and watch a movie - that movie was Baby Mama starring Tina Fey (TV series 30 Rock being a favourite of Jacks) They watched, enjoyed and Jack retired to catch a good nights sleep. It transpired that too many thoughticals, on too many subjects, were rolling around his head, meaning his relatively early night was actually drifting off to sleep around 02:30 am.

When Saturday came, and the sun rose over the East Finchley Old Stag - he had the meeting to attend with his Producer, as arranged during the Thursday Phone Call. It was a shorter meeting than anticipated as ultimately little could be decided until the financing had been confirmed completely mid this week. When dealing with such large amounts of money (the fact that the final amount had not been confirmed being another issue) these footballers that wish to invest must be sent a lot of documents and information on The Film ("understandably" Jack thought). This is what Jack needed to do this weekend: as The Producer was meeting them on Monday, Jack needed to create such documents and forward them to The Producer on Sunday. It's all very complicated and Jack decided he should not go into further details when telling people - it could be a rather boring thing to go through if you have no vested interest in The Film. But by the middle of this week a large amount of money should be invested into The Film.

Now the issue of change was this - when this money clears there may be a chance to withdraw a certain amount (as 'on-going costs') to give Jack the freedom to go fulltime on the script and move forward on other production elements while The Producer finishes the edit on his last film. Jack saw on Saturday that change was on it's way, but it evidently may need a little push (as he has found all great changes do.) And so, along with work on the script itself and the editing of the music video he has in post production, and working fulltime at The International Film Company, Jack is to create a proposal for this change. The proposal includes the financing required, the work included and the long term and short term advantages. Jack will be working through all this, all the week ahead, but finds the notion of this change of pace and work an exciting thing - as long as he gets that little push it needs correct.

Jack also managed to over spend this weekend. Some thing's he could have not done but, put simply, just really wanted to. While the most expensive thing was forced upon him...

Jack, after the meeting, went to purchase a Blu-ray disc for him to enjoy Saturday evening, while working. He went into HMV with the knowledge that he was going to buy Ricky Gervais's 'Ghost Town' - certain elements of this film appeared to be similar to The Film "worth seeing how they have dealt with certain aspects in the writing and structure" Jack thought. However, the evil home entertainment overlord 'Master H. MV' trapped Jack inside the moment he stepped in the door with a 2 for £30 offer on Blu-ray's. Master H. MV had trapped Jack in the Blu-ray aisles for what seemed like an eternity. The only way out, to safety and daylight, was to take advantage of this offer. But the torment the overlord had given Jack stretched further... 'Ghost Town' was not in the 2 for £30. Then it got worse - Jack could only find one title in the 2 for £30 that he was certain he wanted. Jack stood there with 2 Blu-rays for a long-time. One in the offer, one out of the offer. But then he found another in the offer he wanted, perfect! And then he found another, not perfect. Now he stood with one film out of the offer, and 3 films in the offer. None of this was working out very well. He escaped the clutches of the overlord half an hour later when he decided to just bloody buy all four. When he got to the queue to pay he saw a film he had wanted to see for a long time on DVD for £3. So he got that as well. Jack felt guilty about spending such a large amount of money in one go when he got outside, but the guilt disappeared pretty quickly when he realised he'd not bought anything for himself for quite a while. That this was his big spend this weekend as he wasn't going drinking etc made it even more ok. "Jolly good" Jack thought as he moved down to Carneby Street for a sandwich and a read of the magazine he also bought on impulse at the counter.

The relaxing evening of work and a Blu-ray didn't quite go to plan. Jack organised his filing when he got in, which was liberating as papers that went with all his work had piled up over the last month. Job done. Jack felt relieved...

But then he sat down to enjoy a Blu-ray while scanning over work. He put the Blu-ray of 'The Mist' in the player but found to his dismay that the sound didn't work. Thinking it was the disc, he put 'Hancock' in, and the problem was the same. Then he realised he hadn't up dated his firmware on his Blu-ray player since he'd bought it and perhaps this was the problem. He went online and download the official firmware, usb'd it into his player which took sometime, but it was updated successfully. The sound still didn't work on his surround sound system and Jack realised it was actually due to the fact that he hadn't set up the 5.1 connections - getting away with a 2.1 set up thus far. Wires needed to be bought. But the sound worked through the TV so he watched 'Hancock.' When it came time for sleep - roughly 3 am - he put a DVD of 'Friends' in the settle into bed with, and it is here that everything went wrong. The disc was spat out as an 'incompatible' disc. Confused, Jack tried another, and then a Family Guy disc. The same problem persisted. After an hour of trying to work it all out - he realised the update he had completed was, in fact, the US version and he had accidentally made his Blu-ray player think it was an American - y'all. "This may be a boring read" Jack thought "but my god it has caused me pain and I will write it down anyway" And so, after hours of research in the early hours of the morning and the following day - it became apparent to Jack that there was no reversing what he had done. Certain Blu-ray discs will work on it still, as 'Hancock' had, as some are made region free - but not many out of his 55 Blu-rays, and none of his hundreds of DVD's. And the sound on the latest discs still didn't work. So Sunday evening, he needed to buy a new Blu-ray player, and did so off the internet. This will arrive mid-week. He will then have two Blu-ray players - one British one with a personality disorder that thinks it's American, and a British one. This was a cost he had not planned for, and made him wish he had not done that spending to escape Master H. MV. Jack realised he still has to buy the damn wires to get the 5.1 sound working.

Saturday had been a strange day for our oval headed hero. Not one that ended how it should have. The Blu-ray trauma should now be over, but it had been somewhat trying. And The Film should see some very interesting changes over the coming week.

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